Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The old saying "you never stop learning" doesn't work if you never started to learn in the first place. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" would be better worded "It's a LOT harder to teach an old dog new tricks."

My biggest gripe is aimed towards parents. Parents carry the most responsibility when educating their children.  They are the ones that children mold their minds, behavior and way of life after.  An argument could most certainly be made about children that succed beyond their parents, but generally speaking, most children grow up to be like their parents, in one way or another.

Day in and day out, I see the different interactions with children and their parents. We all see it, whether its within our own homes, at the store, friend's house, or the park. What I don't understand and probably never will, is why parents let their children rule their homes.  At what point did their thought process include, "Yeah, it's a good idea to let little Jimmy make his own rules at age three.  He'll be a better person for it when he's older."  Umm...no.  Someone should have bitched slapped that parent upside the head.

Little Jimmy will NOT be a better person.  In fact, little Jimmy will probably be a bully by age five, an assole by ten and friendless by 15, not counting the people that hang around him simply out of fear.  Then you have to deal with little Jimmy not being invited places and teachers "picking" on him by actually doing YOUR job for you, disciplining his horrendous behavior.

In case you haven't notice, I cannot stand unruly children, and even worse, the parents that made them that way.  If you're reading this and your child is under the age of ten, talks back to you, pushes other kids around and has no manners, WAKE UP. You are failing as a parent. And you are failing your society. The criminals that you say are ruining the country? Little Jimmy is one of them.

But you know who'll get the blame in all of this? Society.  "Society failed my child. He wasn't accepted in school.  The kids picked on him.  His teachers failed him." Yes, teachers did fail him.  His parents failed him.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Keep me on track!!

So I've been somewhat trying really hard to get into better shape.  Mainly because I want to pass my PT test and get promoted, but also because I'm tired of feeling and looking like a lard ass.  So, I've been going to the gym more and I've done a couple Zumba classes.  I need to start eating better and I think I've improved a bit on my eating habits.  No more late night snacking, cut back big time on the snacking on junk food during the day and I'm watching how much I eat and what I eat.

I am going to start keeping track of my progress on here, which is more than what any of you will probably want to know about me.  But I hope that I can stick to my goals better if I put myself out there and "guilt" myself into doing better.  Haha.

This is where we currently are at:

Current weight: 139.4 (yes, true weight)
Current Time Spent Running on Treadmill: 15mins

My goal is to lose at least three pounds by next Monday.  Is that realistic?  I don't intend on starving myself, I love food way too much.  So hopefully by next week, I can see some improvement!

An update on the neighbor...We haven't spoken to her, nor has she spoken to us, which is just fine.  Less drama that way!

And Pat, I do only have one daughter, but C has one as well, and I count her as one of my girls  =)

Til next time, folks!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I asked on facebook today, "if i start a blog, would you read it?" and surprise, surprise!  Here you are!

I tried to start one of these a long time ago, but I didn't have much to talk about.  I still don't think I have much to talk about, but I'm giving this another try.  Please remember that these are my words and if you don't like it, quit reading!  I'm not going to start with a "Who Am I?" type thing, because if you're reading this, then you should already know who I am.  If for some reason you just happened to come across this, then well, too bad, just try and keep up!

Let's see...where to start, where to start...OH! I know!

Okay, so we have this neighbor lady next door (which is why she's "neighbor lady" right?) that has a granddaughter that stays with her every weekend.  We have never had a bad experience with her, never said anything negative to or about her.  She's had the girls over a few times: to watch a movie or just have some ice cream.  Just this past Friday she asked if the girls could walk with her to get the mail down the street, to which we said yes.  So explain to me why, out of nowhere, she would start telling her four year old granddaughter that they couldn't play with our girls because they were "trash."  EXCUSE ME?! Did you, yes you, woman who we have been told to be a drunk, just call OUR girls "trash?"  Of course, WE didn't hear her say these things...THE GIRLS did.  And just an hour or so ago, C was outside and overheard her telling her daughter that WE didn't want HER GRANDDAUGHTER to play with the girls!  Wth...!?  So C tried to talk to her to see what was going on, but she completely ignored him.  WTH is going on with that lady?!  We have never done anything to deserve such negative comments.  And our girls don't deserve to hear such comments from anyone!  I have yet to speak to the woman, but the next time I see her, you can bet I will!

On a brighter note:

The girls joined the Girl Scouts today!  And just like when I signed A up for soccer, I got suckered into helping out with the troop.  Her troop leader just had surgery and her normal assistant just had a baby, so she needed help and lucky for her, I'm so darn helpful!  Oh and the comment about soccer...I ended up coaching her team.  We only lost one game.  Go us!   :)

That's all for right now, I'm due at county for a reverse 12.  Hope to not see any of you tonight!!!  :D